Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Yard Therapy Interrupted

My blog title of Yard Therapy was born out of my belief that working in the yard and loving it is part of my genetic assemblage and I need it to make me whole. Doing the happy dance while mowing or singing to the hum of the mower just seems natural. For me, I think it's either the vibration of the mower handle or for sure it's looking over the landscape after the mowing is done and seeing how good things look.

The anti-Christ of yard therapy is POISON IVY! And yes, that beast has yet again found itself too close to me. So while I'm suffering from some unknown brush with that 3 leafed monster - please enjoy the two videos below while I (try not to) scratch.


The first, how it happens - what a nasty green beast:

The second, how it consumes you (kind of sorta) or a way to pass the time waiting for the rash from hades to clear up:

Is that me? Come on, geez - I dance much worse!!!

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