Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Keeping it in perspective

Last night the movie Crash was on television. I was kind of in and out of the room but had seen it before. It's a very intense movie with random peoples lives crossing and intertwining in even more random ways but it puts alot of thoughts and feelings into perspective and makes you reflect on yourself, your feelings, and the way you react to things.

No doubt 2007 will go down as the year when more things "broke" or "failed" or "quit working" or "wore out". It's been almost amazing - the dishwasher, the refrigerator, the siding on the west end of the house that's still rotting away, the Rodeo's leaky tire and later it's transmission, the Camry's brakes, the ratty old Honda's who knows what check engine light that hasn't even been investigated yet, the shower pan in the #2 bathrooom... it goes on but those are the ones that come to mind. It's been the year alot of things went crazy.

But in perspective, it's not been negative in many other ways. For the most part it's been pretty good so far.

So I put it in perspective. I went ahead and bought "Water for Elephants" at Target since 51 people are on the waiting list at the library. I went ahead and took my dragging rear to the gym tonight to walk the elliptical for the first time in way too long. I bought some Ball Park franks and some healthy wheat buns to go with them. Fat free Pringles to boot.

I am forever examining life. I think it's one of my things. So today was a day of putting things in perspective. I'm not going to crash into anyone or allow life to come crashing down, I'm going to be respectful of others and when I see them I'm going to realize that I might have no idea what they are dealing with today. Come what may, I'm going to endure. And thrive. It's all in your perspective!


-- I barely got started on "Water for Elephants" - more to come. Book Club meeting in early November on that one.

-- The yard looks like someone lives here today. Rain in the forecast could provide much needed water for some greening and will probably bring down 10,000 pine needles - oh well!

-- 30 minutes on the elliptical for the first time in way too long. Was much more painful since I was out of practice and I weighed 11 pounds more than a recent low I had a couple of months ago. Mmmmmm, gonna have to deal with that!

-- No crashing, put it all in perspective, control what you can, let the rest of it go. Examining life is what I do. Cope.

--- I've decided to blog more (again, yes, I know I said this before) but I've decided to blog more and to not just wait on "profound" thoughts and moments because honestly, it's all profound!

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